Today, we spend almost 80-90% of our time indoors. As people’s physical and mental well-being highly depends on contact with the natural environment, our inherent affinity to connect with nature is insufficiently stimulated and nurtured in our modern urban society.
By understanding the proven benefits of nature on human well-being, the biophilic design attempts to restore the human connection with nature by applying biophilic patterns in the built environment.
These biophilic patterns were developed by Terrapin Bright Green and are organized into 3 categories.
The colour of each pattern corresponds to the type of category. In the coming weeks, I provide insights on the practical application of each pattern in your space. Use this overview of 14 patterns as a table of content for future posts.
The Theory of Biophilic Design by Stephen R. Kellert
Biophilia: Bringing Nature into Interior Design in Archdaily